Full Stack Python has completely blown away my expectations for what I could accomplish with a side project. I really appreciate all the in-person feedback, emails and pull requests I've received from the community. Keep them coming!
For 2016 I'm building out the scope of the site beyond web development into core Python concepts, data analysis and visualization and (hopefully) some hardware hacking such as with the Raspberry Pi and Arduino Yun.
A huge update was released in the form of the The Full Stack Python Guide to Deployments, a step-by-step tutorial book for learning how to deploy Python web applications.
Note that these plans can change based on pull requests from the community. I work to integrate PRs within a day or two so please submit one when you see a fix or improvement that needs to be made!
Searching for a complete, step-by-step deployment walkthrough? Learn more about The Full Stack Python Guide to Deployments book.